June 24, 2009 The pictures you are seeing are not from someone who supports anarchy, he is not even a part of the "Dust & Twigs" that Ahmadinejad called his opponents. He is just a 17-year-old teenager who was arrested by the paramilitary forces or the Basij. These pictures are taken hours after his return home, his bruised face and broken nose cannot be shown due to his fear from the security forces retaliation. This is a description of his story as told by the young boy in an email that I received:

It was around 12:30 a.m. and I was with my friend, his brother and his brother's wife. We were talking right in front of his place (the friends housing complex), which was about 2 to 3 blocks away from my place, while a group of people escaping entered the alley and took refuge in houses with open doors. My friends' place is in the middle of the alley so nobody took refuge there, and we went in and closed the door. His brother and his wife went in the building and asked me to join them as well, but since I was not feeling comfortable with his family my friend and I stayed out in the parking.
All of a sudden agents in black uniforms and helmets carrying batons b

One of them asked me if Mr. Khatami would come save us, while they were b

This continued till around 1 p.m., when they took us to another place, where security guards were in charge. We were then interrogated by the militia. Again, they kept beating me although I told them that I have never participated in any demonstration. In general, they were less harsh than the previous ones. In the evening, we were transferred to a police station where normal police with green uniform hung us by our hands (you can see the signs of the string around my wrists on the pictures), they hung some of us upside down and started beating us again.
Around 2 AM, they took us to a police hospital where they just stitched the web of my fingers that were still bleeding and bandaged my head without any stitches. They released us in a highway, I think they knew we did nothing; otherwise they would not have released us. I am surprised how I tolerated all the tortures and survived. I didn't see anyone dying there; a lot of people just lost their consciousness, but I guess the baton strikes were so harsh that brain injury or internal bleeding was inevitable. I can never forget the scenes I saw there.
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